Level 2: B002 (Fire Alarm Systems)

Level 2: B002 (Fire Alarm Systems)

Fire alarm systems are a common sight in many public places. Despite that, many people undermine its importance and are unaware of how to function it in the case of a fire emergency. Moreover, fire alarm systems in some places do not even function.

Operating a fire alarm system is the first step in ensuring a fire emergency’s safety. At Baskan, people will learn how to properly use fire alarm systems and how it functions and its maintenance.


  • Applicants with diploma (technical field) or bachelors (non-technical) require Level 1 B001 as a pre-requisite for Level 2 B002
  • Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree (Technical Field) can directly go for Level 1B001 assessment. If the score is above 70% in the assessment, they can advance to Level 2 B002 course.
  • All Levels examinations will have 70 multiple choice questions, and applicants require 70 % in 2 hours to be successful in the examinations.